The Day family are one of the foundation members of the White Suffolk breed.
Having access to flocks of Suffolk’s and Poll Dorset’s made starting the White Suffolk’s in 1984 an easy process. The progeny of these original crosses were readily accepted and the flock progressed from there.
Days Whiteface now sell 200 high performance White Suffolk rams annually with the majority of these sold at our annual sale in October.
Our Aims are to supply structurally sound, high performing rams to our clients to help them with their goal to be as profitable a prime lamb enterprise as possible. This is only possible by using the latest technologies available. They are both genetic selection and breeding technologies.
We have always been avid performance recorders, contributing a large amount of information to the Lambplan database. We also DNA test a large portion of our lambs which checks pedigree integrity and adds a genomic component to their ASBV’s. Combined this gives us a high level of confidence in the ASBV’s that support our sheep. We search far and wide for new genetics that can add to our programme. These genetics can be ewes from dispersal sales, physical rams, or semen. To maximise our rate of genetic gain we use both Artificial insemination and embryo transfer as well as using ram lambs and joining our ewe lambs.